July 1, 1999

Assessing the EU Framework Programme on R&D

Hoe effectief zijn Europese R&D-subsidies?

Press release
Europese subsidies voor Speur- en Ontwikkelingswerk (R&D) zijn effectief als zij ervoor zorgen dat nuttig onderzoek wordt gedaan dat zonder Europese subsidie niet uitgevoerd zou zijn, bijvoorbeeld omdat de opbrengsten van de nieuwe kennis zouden weglekken naar andere landen, of omdat het slagen van het onderzoeksproject zeer onzeker is.

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Market failure due to international knowledge spillovers, transboundary positive externalities of innovations, and very uncertain benefits of 'big science''may motivate such a supranational government intervention. However, government failure (e.g., subsidies that crowd out private investments, underprovision of alternative policies such as protection of intellectual property rights and expansion of researchers' labour supply) may reduce the Programme's effectivity.

Sound evaluations of the Programme are not available, partly due to the absence of indicators of the Programme's social benefits.

This paper proposes a quick effectivity scan: compare the projects that have marginally qualified for an FP-subsidy with those that barely did not. If rejected research proposals turn out to be performed nonetheless, hence creating without subsidies about the same social welfare as the projects that were only just entitled to public support, then the Programme must be judged as ineffective.


Maarten Cornet

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