December 1, 1999

Research on Dutch national airport: Conclusions on performed research

Doorgroei op Schiphol biedt perspectief; luchthaven in zee is problematisch

Press release
Tegenover de belangrijke voordelen van de eiland-optie voor de leefbaarheid en de ruimtelijke ordening rond Schiphol staan drie belangrijke nadelen. Zo is het verwachte exploitatietekort aanzienlijk.

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The option of an airport on a island in the North Sea raises several problems.

First, the yields of the private sector do not cover the investment costs. The projected deficit ranges from 30 to 50% of total investment costs (of around 40 billion guilders). For various reasons this deficit is likely to be underestimated.

Second, an island is relatively inaccessible, leading to extra travel time and travel costs for passengers, freight and employees. The extra time and extra costs may add up to a notable welfare loss.

Third and finally, an island will encounter several difficulties in terms of environmental planning and safety, that together may become critical.

The other option, i.e. further growth of air traffic at the current location, has not been exhausted yet. Various instruments to achieve both growth and environmental standards can be implemented, ranging from reconfiguration of the runways to levies on noise production.


Taco van Hoek
Rafael Saitua Nistal
Paul Tang

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