September 1, 1999

Sectoral labour productivity growth: a growth accounting analysis of Dutch industries, 1973-1995

Groei Nederlandse arbeidsproductiviteit beperkt

Press release
De arbeidsproductiviteit nam in Nederland in de afgelopen jaren minder snel toe dan in voorgaande decennia. Bovendien bleef de productiviteitsgroei in Nederland achter bij die in andere landen. Dit is zorgwekkend, omdat de stijging van de arbeidsproductiviteit één van de determinanten is van de economische groei op lange termijn.

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While labour productivity growth in the Dutch manufacturing industry gradually improved in the 1990's compared to the second half of the 1980's, it dropped back sharply in market services. As a result, overall labour productivity growth of the market sector is still slowing down. In an international perspective, the relative position of Dutch services has worsened over time.

The growth accounting tool can be used to decompose labour productivity growth into the contribution of factor inputs, such as physical and human capital, and total factor productivity growth. The sharp slowdown of productivity growth in Dutch market services has been accompanied by a drop in total factor productivity growth in the 1990's. While this suggests that the efficiency of the production process can be enhanced, further research is needed to improve understanding.



Henry van der Wiel

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