
Health Policy Workshop "Prospects for curative mental health care"

Woensdag 17 februari organiseren de NZa, het CPB en TILEC de Health Policy Workshop "Prospects for curative mental health care"

17 februari 2016
LET OP! Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa), Newtonlaan 1-41, 3584 BX Utrecht

Tijdstip: LET OP! 13.30 u. - 17.30 u.
Locatie: LET OP! Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit (NZa), Newtonlaan 1-41, 3584 BX Utrecht

Sprekers: Professor Tom McGuire, Harvard Medical School, USA, professor Edwin de Beurs, Leiden University, Femke van de Pol, Dutch Healthcare Authority en professor Philippe Delespaul, Maastricht University

Voertaal: Engels

Aanmelden verplicht (ook voor CPB'ers): U kunt zich tot uiterlijk 13 februari aanmelden voor deze workshop via deze link (zie "Practical information")

Over de workshop: The Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB), The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa),  and the Tilburg Law and Economics Center of Tilburg University (TILEC) jointly organize a series of 'Health Policy Workshops'. These workshops cover relevant and highly debated topics in health care, and provide a platform for knowledge exchange and discussion between policy makers and researchers working in this field. This 8th workshop is partly sponsored by Erasmus University Rotterdam (iBMG).

In 2008, the Dutch government decided to include curative mental health care into the new health care system with regulated competition and performance based funding. The goal of this reform was to improve efficiency and client orientation in the mental health care sector. After almost eight years, it is time to decide whether this policy has been a success. Moreover, what are the challenges for the next eight years given the Dutch health care system.

Several questions will be discussed during the workshop:

  • What are the pros and cons of including mental health care in a system of regulated competition?
  • Did health insurers take up their role of stimulating mental health providers to become more efficient and demand oriented?
  • What policies should be considered to increase efficiency in curative mental health?
  • What are good instruments for the government to control costs and improve quality?
