Search results

There are 28 search results for *.
August 29, 2019

Flexible Wages or Flexible Workers?

CPB investigated how fi rms adjust wages and employment in periods of adverse economic circumstances.

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August 29, 2019

Flexible Wages or Flexible Workers?

CPB investigated how fi rms adjust wages and employment in periods of adverse economic circumstances.

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August 29, 2019

Flexible Wages or Flexible Workers?

CPB investigated how fi rms adjust wages and employment in periods of adverse economic circumstances.

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November 20, 2015

Measuring Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity - Why Methods Matter

Although wage rigidity is an important topic, there is no full consensus in the literature on how to measure downward nominal and real wage rigidity.

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November 20, 2015

Measuring Downward Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity - Why Methods Matter

Although wage rigidity is an important topic, there is no full consensus in the literature on how to measure downward nominal and real wage rigidity.

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April 26, 2015

Kansrijk arbeidsmarktbeleid

Deze eerste uitgave van Kansrijk Arbeidsmarktbeleid belicht de effecten van beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van fiscale stimulering van arbeidsparticipatie, sociale zekerheid en ontslagbescherming.

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April 26, 2015

Kansrijk arbeidsmarktbeleid

Deze eerste uitgave van Kansrijk Arbeidsmarktbeleid belicht de effecten van beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van fiscale stimulering van arbeidsparticipatie, sociale zekerheid en ontslagbescherming.

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April 26, 2015

Kansrijk arbeidsmarktbeleid

Deze eerste uitgave van Kansrijk Arbeidsmarktbeleid belicht de effecten van beleidsmaatregelen op het gebied van fiscale stimulering van arbeidsparticipatie, sociale zekerheid en ontslagbescherming.

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September 29, 2014

Labour market effects of job displacement for prime-age and older workers

This paper studies the effect of firm closures for prime-age and older workers.

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