Search results
Publication year
- Arjan Lejour (92)
- Maarten van 't Riet (23)
- George Gelauff (17)
- Michiel Bijlsma (17)
- Coen Teulings (14)
- Mark Roscam Abbing (14)
- Nicole Bosch (7)
- Francis Weyzig (5)
- Gerard Verweij (5)
- Egbert Jongen (4)
- Nico van Leeuwen (4)
- Simon Rabaté (4)
- Stefan Groot (4)
- Wouter Leenders (4)
- Bas Straathof (3)
- Esther Hamelink (3)
- Eva van der Wal (3)
- Henk Kox (3)
- Jan Möhlmann (3)
- Roel van Elk (3)
- Roland de Bruijn (3)
- Anniek Goris - Trommelen (2)
- Arjen Quist (2)
- Daniel van Vuuren (2)
- Erik Floor (2)
- Ernest Berkhout (2)
- Gabriella Massenz (2)
- Hugo Rojas-Romagosa (2)
- Leon Bettendorf (2)
- Paul Tang (2)
- Paul Veenendaal (2)
- Anniek Trommelen (1)
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- Public finances (92)
- Government (48)
- International analysis (47)
- Macroeconomics (43)
- International economy (37)
- Taxation (17)
- Risk and regulation (8)
- General welfare (6)
- Labour (6)
- Financial markets (5)
- Labour market (4)
- Elections (3)
- Education and Science (2)
- Knowledge and Innovation (2)
- Welfare state (2)
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