Search results

There are 21 search results for *.
March 30, 2022

Alternative Work Arrangements and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Payrolling

The rising incidence of alternative work arrangements raises questions about worker outcomes in non-standard labor contracts. However, causal evidence on the effects of flexible contracts on labor market outcomes of...

March 30, 2022

Alternative Work Arrangements and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Payrolling

The rising incidence of alternative work arrangements raises questions about worker outcomes in non-standard labor contracts. However, causal evidence on the effects of flexible contracts on labor market outcomes of...

March 30, 2022

Alternative Work Arrangements and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Payrolling

The rising incidence of alternative work arrangements raises questions about worker outcomes in non-standard labor contracts. However, causal evidence on the effects of flexible contracts on labor market outcomes of...

March 17, 2022

Addressing Unemployment Rate Forecast Errors in Relation to the Business Cycle

In this paper we show that the prediction errors for unemployment vary over the business cycle. We initially use a macroeconomic data for the United States, because these data are available for a longer period than for...

March 17, 2022

Addressing Unemployment Rate Forecast Errors in Relation to the Business Cycle

In this paper we show that the prediction errors for unemployment vary over the business cycle. We initially use a macroeconomic data for the United States, because these data are available for a longer period than for...

March 17, 2022

Addressing Unemployment Rate Forecast Errors in Relation to the Business Cycle

In this paper we show that the prediction errors for unemployment vary over the business cycle. We initially use a macroeconomic data for the United States, because these data are available for a longer period than for...

May 14, 2020

Arbeidsmarkt: sterke daling gewerkte uren

Eind maart werd er gemiddeld 13% minder uren per week gewerkt dan begin maart. In april is deze daling gestabiliseerd.

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May 14, 2020

Arbeidsmarkt: sterke daling gewerkte uren

Eind maart werd er gemiddeld 13% minder uren per week gewerkt dan begin maart. In april is deze daling gestabiliseerd.

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May 14, 2020

Arbeidsmarktmonitor mei 2020

De CPB arbeidsmarktmonitor geeft een overzicht van de meest recente cijfers van een groot aantal arbeidsmarktvariabelen, en het verloop in de afgelopen decennia. De monitor, met cijfers van het CBS en het UWV, dient als...

No title
May 14, 2020

Arbeidsmarktmonitor mei 2020

De CPB arbeidsmarktmonitor geeft een overzicht van de meest recente cijfers van een groot aantal arbeidsmarktvariabelen, en het verloop in de afgelopen decennia. De monitor, met cijfers van het CBS en het UWV, dient als...

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