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July 11, 2014

Bank recapitalization

Banks have to increase their capital ratios to meet the new regulation requirements.

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July 7, 2014

Targeted advertising, platform competition and privacy

Targeted advertising can benefit consumers through lower prices for access to websites. Yet, if consumers dislike that websites collect their personal information, their welfare may go down.

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July 7, 2014

Targeted advertising, platform competition and privacy

Targeted advertising can benefit consumers through lower prices for access to websites. Yet, if consumers dislike that websites collect their personal information, their welfare may go down.

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April 17, 2014

Cross-Country Insurance Mechanisms in Currency Unions: An Empirical Assessment

Countries in a monetary union can adjust to shocks either through internal or external mechanisms.

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December 10, 2013

Optimal bail-out policies under renegotiation

We study how the possibility of renegotiation affects optimal bail-out policies for countries under asymmetric information on a country's cost of reforms.

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December 10, 2013

Optimal bail-out policies under renegotiation

We study how the possibility of renegotiation affects optimal bail-out policies for countries under asymmetric information on a country's cost of reforms.

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March 26, 2013

The changing landscape of financial markets in Europe, the United States and Japan

We compare the structure of the financial sectors of the EU27, Japan and the United States, looking at a set of 23 indicators.

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March 26, 2013

The changing landscape of financial markets in Europe, the United States and Japan

We compare the structure of the financial sectors of the EU27, Japan and the United States, looking at a set of 23 indicators.

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November 12, 2012

Economische invalshoek Staatsdeelnemingen

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

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November 12, 2012

Economische invalshoek Staatsdeelnemingen

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

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