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August 11, 2016

Marktordening bij nieuwe ICT-toepassingen

ICT leidt tot een heel scala aan algemeen toepasbare technologieën. Deze nieuwe technologieën veranderen de economie. Tegelijkertijd brengen ze risico’s voor publieke belangen met zich mee.

June 12, 2014

Choosing privacy: How to improve the market for personal data

Businesses and the government are all collecting more and more personal data, and they use these data ever more intensively. This is mostly to the benefit of citizens, but not in all cases.

June 12, 2014

Choosing privacy: How to improve the market for personal data

Businesses and the government are all collecting more and more personal data, and they use these data ever more intensively. This is mostly to the benefit of citizens, but not in all cases.

June 12, 2014

Choosing privacy: How to improve the market for personal data

Businesses and the government are all collecting more and more personal data, and they use these data ever more intensively. This is mostly to the benefit of citizens, but not in all cases.

June 12, 2014

Choosing privacy: How to improve the market for personal data

Businesses and the government are all collecting more and more personal data, and they use these data ever more intensively. This is mostly to the benefit of citizens, but not in all cases.

March 3, 2009

Concurrentie, innovatie en intellectuele eigendomsrechten in software markten

Is it desirable for the government to stimulate open source software as a response to market failures in software markets?

March 3, 2009

Concurrentie, innovatie en intellectuele eigendomsrechten in software markten

Is it desirable for the government to stimulate open source software as a response to market failures in software markets?

March 3, 2009

Concurrentie, innovatie en intellectuele eigendomsrechten in software markten

Is it desirable for the government to stimulate open source software as a response to market failures in software markets?