Search results

There are 27 search results for *.
November 5, 2014

Teacher quality and student achievement: Evidence from a Dutch sample of twins

This paper examines the causal link that runs from classroom quality to student achievement using data on twin pairs who entered the same school but were allocated to different classrooms in an exogenous way.

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November 4, 2014

Zero returns to compulsory schooling: Is it certification or skills that matters?

This paper evaluates the effects of the raising of the minimum school leaving age (ROSLA) from 14 to 15 in the Netherlands in 1971.

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November 4, 2014

Zero returns to compulsory schooling: Is it certification or skills that matters?

This paper evaluates the effects of the raising of the minimum school leaving age (ROSLA) from 14 to 15 in the Netherlands in 1971.

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May 27, 2014

Gemiddelde aflossing en inkomenseffecten sociaal leenstelsel

Het ministerie van OCW heeft het CPB gevraagd de effecten te bepalen van beleidsvarianten voor het verplicht aflossen van de studieschuld.

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May 27, 2014

Gemiddelde aflossing en inkomenseffecten sociaal leenstelsel

Het ministerie van OCW heeft het CPB gevraagd de effecten te bepalen van beleidsvarianten voor het verplicht aflossen van de studieschuld.

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May 27, 2014

Investeren in skills en competenties: Een voorstudie voor programmering van onderzoek en beleid

Competenties en skills vormen sinds lang een elementaire grondstof voor de ontwikkeling van samenlevingen.

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May 19, 2014

Individual Returns to a PhD Education in the Netherlands: Income Differences between Masters and PhDs

In this paper we investigate the individual returns to a doctorate education in the Netherlands over the first twenty years of a career.

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May 19, 2014

Individual Returns to a PhD Education in the Netherlands: Income Differences between Masters and PhDs

In this paper we investigate the individual returns to a doctorate education in the Netherlands over the first twenty years of a career.

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May 19, 2014

Individual Returns to a PhD Education in the Netherlands: Income Differences between Masters and PhDs

In this paper we investigate the individual returns to a doctorate education in the Netherlands over the first twenty years of a career.

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