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February 19, 2015

Onderzoek alternatieve vormgeving kinderopvangtoeslag

Het ministerie van SZW heeft het CPB gevraagd om een analyse te maken van de effecten van alternatieve vormgevingen van de kinderopvangtoeslag (KOT).

No title
February 14, 2015

De effectiviteit van fiscaal participatiebeleid

Generieke lastenverlichting doet relatief weinig voor de arbeidsparticipatie. Lastenverlichting voor werkende moeders met jonge kinderen is relatief effectief.

February 14, 2015

De effectiviteit van fiscaal participatiebeleid

Generieke lastenverlichting doet relatief weinig voor de arbeidsparticipatie. Lastenverlichting voor werkende moeders met jonge kinderen is relatief effectief.

November 27, 2014

MICSIM: A behavioural microsimulation model for the analysis of tax-benefit reform in the Netherlands

In this paper, we present MICSIM. MICSIM is a behavioural microsimulation model for the analysis of structural labour-supply effects.

November 27, 2014

MICSIM: A behavioural microsimulation model for the analysis of tax-benefit reform in the Netherlands

In this paper, we present MICSIM. MICSIM is a behavioural microsimulation model for the analysis of structural labour-supply effects.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.