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March 27, 2014

Plausibiliteitstoets beleidsvarianten Commissie Dienstverlening aan huis

Het CPB is verzocht de budgettaire effecten van beleidsvarianten van de Commissie Dienstverlening aan huis te toetsen op plausibiliteit en te voorzien van een inschatting van de arbeidsmarkteffecten.

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March 20, 2014

Cities, Tasks and Skills

This research applies a task-based approach to measure and interpret changes in the employment structure of the 168 largest US cities in the period 1990-2009.

No title
March 20, 2014

Cities, Tasks and Skills

This research applies a task-based approach to measure and interpret changes in the employment structure of the 168 largest US cities in the period 1990-2009.

No title
March 20, 2014

Cities, Tasks and Skills

This research applies a task-based approach to measure and interpret changes in the employment structure of the 168 largest US cities in the period 1990-2009.

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