Search results

There are 39 search results for *.
January 1, 1999

Analyzing the macro economic impact of child care subsidies: an AGE approach

Analyzing the macro economic impact of child care subsidies: an AGE approach

January 1, 1999

Collapsing controlled exchange rates: how well can we predict and explain them?

Collapsing controlled exchange rates: how well can we predict and explain them?

December 14, 1998

Bedrijfslocatiemonitor 2; regionale verkenningen 2010

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

December 1, 1998

Tax policy and the labor market: a sensitivity analysis with an AGE model

Tax policy and the labor market: a sensitivity analysis with an AGE model

November 18, 1998

Luchtvaartgroei binnen milieurandvoorwaarden; beleidsstrategieën in dynamisch perspectief.

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 1, 1998

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion