Het Centraal Planbureau heeft zijn macro-economische model van de Nederlandse economie - Saffier - vernieuwd. Recente economische inzichten en ontwikkelingen zijn in de nieuwe versie verwerkt. Het CPB neemt de nieuwe versie van Saffier vanaf 22 december in gebruik. →
This paper documents the Saffier 3.0 model that is used for making macroeconomic projections and assessing the responses to fiscal policy changes in the short and medium run. This dual purpose of the model brings with... →
Productivity growth has been declining for several decades; not only in the Netherlands but in many European countries. During the corona pandemic, productivity growth has dropped even more.... →
This paper analyses the declining firm dynamism in the Netherlands, which may explain part of the slowdown in productivity growth. We use a rich microdata set including nearly all corporations in the Netherlands during... →