Search results

There are 41 search results for *.
June 18, 2008

Reassessing the relationship between inequality and development

Kuznets was right, but not all the way.

May 13, 2008

International spillovers of domestic reforms: the joint application of the Lisbon Strategy in the EU

Jointly reaching the Lisbon goals strenghtens the effects.

May 8, 2008

Europese Verkenning 6; Europa's buren: Europees nabuurschapsbeleid en de publieke opinie over de Europese Unie

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 22, 2008

Subsidiarity and economic reform in Europe

'Europe' is becoming more relevant than in the past. In the last twenty to thirty years, the European Union has moved towards policy domains which have been exclusively the competence of individual Member States.

April 16, 2008

Skill gaps in the EU: role for education and training policies

Skill gaps are widely seen as a problem that lowers aggregate productivity growth.

April 16, 2008

Skill gaps in the EU: role for education and training policies

Skill gaps are widely seen as a problem that lowers aggregate productivity growth.

April 3, 2008

De wereldhandel in 2007-2009

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.