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There are 5 search results.
August 10, 2021

The contribution of business dynamics to productivity growth in the Netherlands

This paper analyses the declining firm dynamism in the Netherlands, which may explain part of the slowdown in productivity growth. We use a rich microdata set including nearly all corporations in the Netherlands during...

Work on machines
June 8, 2021

Housing Market Effects of a Railroad Tunneling: Evidence from a quasi-experiment

The railroad tunnelling in Delft (the Netherlands) has led to substantial, additional, increases in residential property prices. Our results show that the price elasticity with respect to the distance to the (tunnelled) railroad would have been about 5 percentage points lower in case Delft would not have tunneled its railroad.

Railway station Delft
April 30, 2021

Business dynamics during the COVID pandemic

The corona crisis has visible consequences for economic activity in the Netherlands. In 2020, 6.5% fewer businesses with at least 2 employees were established. This decline is not limited to the sectors most affected by health restrictions, such as the hotel and catering industry, as almost every sector saw a decrease in the number of starters last year.

primary image
April 29, 2021

Love is in the air

Aanbod ontmoet vraag. De gedwongen sluiting van een deel van het aanbod om het coronavirus in te dammen, laat dat aanbod niet onberoerd. Ondanks de ruimhartige overheidssteun om het getroffen aanbod in de benen te houden, gaat er niets boven de ontmoeting met de vraag.

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January 19, 2021

Stedelijk bouwen, agglomeratie-effecten en woningprijzen

Woningbouw dempt de stijging van huizenprijzen, ook in stedelijk gebied. Agglomeratie-effecten werken juist prijsverhogend, maar zijn niet groot genoeg om het prijsdempende effect van nieuwbouw teniet te...

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