
December 6, 2016

Valuation of CO2 emissions in CBA: implications of the scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment

The scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment (WLO ) forecasts long-term developments on four topics, climate being one of them. The study’s climate scenarios have been constructed taking into account various ways of international collaboration on the climate issue around the world. The WLO climate scenarios are characterised by a CO2 emission budget for the rest of the century and an associated CO2 emission reduction target.

November 17, 2016

Flexible employment in an international perspective: An empirical analysis and some country-specific case studies

Flexible employment constitutes a relatively large and increasing share of the labour market in many countries. In this study, we analyse the extent to which the growth in flexible employment can be related to global economic trends and country-specific institutions.

August 17, 2016

Evidence on Dutch macroeconomic and sectoral productivity performance: Some stylised facts

Productivity is the key driver of long-run living standards. However, in recent years productivity growth has been low across the developed world.

July 26, 2016

Dependence on External Finance and SME Survival

This CPB Background Document addresses whether, in the aftermath of the financial crisis, default probabilities of firms that depend more on external finance were affected more negatively than default probabilities of less dependent firms.

July 6, 2016

Cyber Security Risk Assessment for the Economy

This cyber security risk assessment (CSRA) in intended to provide insight into the underlying causes, consequences and magnitude of cyber risks; thus, helping policymakers and businesses to understand and prioritise those risks.

June 30, 2016

The political economy of tax reforms

In the Netherlands, major tax reform proposals sometimes are adopted and converted into policy, but often they are not. This CPB Policy Brief focuses on why this is so.

June 23, 2016

The CPB World Trade Monitor: technical description

The CPB World Trade Monitor (WTM) is an instrument for bringing together, aggregating, and summarizing worldwide monthly data on international trade and industrial production.