
August 10, 2016

Love conquers all but nicotine; spousal peer e ffects on the decision to quit smoking

If two partners smoke, their quit behavior may be related through correlation in unobserved individual characteristics and common external shocks.

July 26, 2016

Dependence on External Finance and SME Survival

This CPB Background Document addresses whether, in the aftermath of the financial crisis, default probabilities of firms that depend more on external finance were affected more negatively than default probabilities of less dependent firms.

July 14, 2016

Potential economic effects of TTIP for the Netherlands

The economic effects of TTIP are analysed with WorldScan. TTIP is expected to have a positive effect on trade between the EU and the US and on investment and economic growth in both areas. Hence, the Netherlands will benefit with an increase in GDP of 1.7% in 2030.

July 7, 2016

Do national borders slow down knowledge diffusion within new technological fields? The case of big data in Europe

Big data technologies enhance the storage, processing, and analysis of large data sets and can be applied economy-wide. Despite this potential, only one percent of big data patents come from Europe.

July 6, 2016

Cyber Security Risk Assessment for the Economy

This cyber security risk assessment (CSRA) in intended to provide insight into the underlying causes, consequences and magnitude of cyber risks; thus, helping policymakers and businesses to understand and prioritise those risks.

June 30, 2016

The political economy of tax reforms

In the Netherlands, major tax reform proposals sometimes are adopted and converted into policy, but often they are not. This CPB Policy Brief focuses on why this is so.

June 23, 2016

The CPB World Trade Monitor: technical description

The CPB World Trade Monitor (WTM) is an instrument for bringing together, aggregating, and summarizing worldwide monthly data on international trade and industrial production.