
September 20, 2022

Projections September 2022 (MEV 2023)

Temporary policy softens impact of energy crisis in 2023.

Macro Economic Outlook 2023
August 19, 2022

Projections August 2022

Inflation is affecting more and more people, economic growth decreases.

Projections August 2022
July 13, 2022

Structural causes of low interest rates

Interest rates have been trending downward since at least 1980s in developed economies, including the euro area. In fact, real rates (the real rate is the interest rate adjusted for inflation) are now at historically low levels.

July 12, 2022

Saffier 3.0: Estimation results

This technical document supplements the general documentation of the macromodel Saffier 3.0....

June 23, 2022

Economic interwovenness with China through trade: two sides of the same coin

This is apparent from a study by CPB and CBS on the economic interwovenness of the Netherlands and the European Union with China. The Netherlands and Europe benefit from trade with China, and vice versa. However, this trade also creates mutual economic dependence.

Trade with China
May 30, 2022

Do people value environmental goods? Evidence from the Netherlands

We find strong associations between house prices and environmental factors that are directly noticeable. This mainly concerns noise pollution and the amount of greenery and water in close proximity to a house....

No title
May 18, 2022

Can skill differences explain the gap in the track recommendation by socio-economic status?

Tracking early in the school career can influence a student's further educational path significantly. We study the track advice at the end of primary school in the Netherlands, where teachers give a track advice based on a student's previous performance and their impression of the student's ability.

children at school
March 30, 2022

Alternative Work Arrangements and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Payrolling

The rising incidence of alternative work arrangements raises questions about worker outcomes in non-standard labor contracts. However, causal evidence on the effects of flexible contracts on labor market outcomes of...

March 29, 2022

Labor Supply Effects of Survivor Insurance: Evidence from Restricted Access to Survivor Benefits in the Netherlands

The ANW reform of 1996 in the Netherlands reduced the eligibility to survivor benefits for cohorts born after 1950. We find an increase in personal income (+23%) and labor force participation (+16%) for the widowers...

March 29, 2022

Introductory statement for public hearing: Case studies on member states national tax policies – the Netherlands

Introductory statement for public hearing European Parliament, FISC sub-committee on tax matters, 28 march 2022: “Case studies on member states national tax policies – the Netherlands: implemented national tax...