September 22, 2016

CPB World Trade Monitor July 2016

The volume of world trade fell 1.1% in July, having grown 0.8% in June (initial estimate: 0.7%). This is shown by the CPB World Trade Monitor.
  • July 2016: world trade down 1.1% month on month, following a 0.8% increase in June.
  • July 2016: world industrial production down 0.3% month on month, following a 0.8% increase in June.

For questions. please contact
Read also the CPB Background Document 'The CPB World Trade Monitor: technical description'.
In September 2016 (starting with the July 2016 monitor) the WTM base year has been moved from 2005 to 2010. Clarification of the procedure and its outcomes is given in the downloadable appendix (CPB Memo 'Change of base year WTM').

The release of the next monthly CPB World Trade Monitor is scheduled tentatively for 25 October 2016.

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