July 21, 2009

An applied analysis of ACE and CBIT reform in the EU

Renteaftrekbeperking in de Vpb goed voor Nederland

Press release
Staatssecretaris De Jager heeft recentelijk voorgesteld de renteaftrek in de Nederlandse vennootschapsbelasting (Vpb) te beperken. Hij beoogt zo de bevoordeling van financiering met schuld boven eigen vermogen te beperken en uitholling van de Vpb-grondslag tegen te gaan.

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We assess the quantitative impact of two reforms of the corporation tax that would eliminate the differential treatment of debt and equity.

The two reforms are: the allowance for corporate equity (ACE), and the comprehensive business income tax (CBIT). We investigate the impact of these reforms on various decision margins, using an applied general equilibrium model for the EU calibrated with recent empirical elasticities. The results suggest that, if governments adjust statutory corporate tax rates to balance their budgets, profit shifting and discrete location render CBIT more attractive for most individual European countries. European coordination makes a joint ACE more, and a joint CBIT less, efficient. A combination of ACE and CBIT is always welfare improving.


Ruud de Mooij
M.P. Devereux

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