April 15, 2002

In focus: The chemical industry in the Netherlands 2001-2003 - april 2002

CPB: Industrie groeit dit jaar vrijwel niet

Press release
De industrie zal dit jaar nauwelijks kunnen profiteren van het verwachte conjunctuurherstel. Mede vanwege de verslechterde concurrentiepositie als gevolg van de relatief forse stijging van de arbeidskosten verliest de industrie marktaandeel ten opzichte van buitenlandse concurrenten.

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In 2002 economic growth will recover only slightly. Despite the weak international demand, exports of basic chemicals may still increase since new and extended large-scale plants in Rotterdam and Terneuzen will start their production. The sales of final chemicals may grow less firmly due to lack of consumer confidence, particularly in the US. Oil prices and prices of raw materials decline, but large-scale capacity expansion and weak foreign demand keep much pressure on sales prices and price margins. In 2003 economic growth and foreign sales will pick up more forcefully because of a steep recovery in international demand. Domestic demand, mostly semimanufactured products, will grow as well. Cash flow will revive from its downward glide in 2001 and 2002. Employment fades out to 73 thousand employees in 2003.


Harold Creusen

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