June 18, 2007

Public and private roles in road infrastructure: an exploration of market failure, public instruments and government failure

Overheidsinstrumenten bij wegenvoorziening

Press release
Wegen aanleggen en beheren wordt in Nederland traditioneel gezien als een pure overheidstaak. De publieke sector voert dan de regie en is opdrachtgever, de private sector is louter uitvoerder. Vaak is dat ook een logische taakverdeling.

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Government intervention comes in different forms, such as financial intervention (taxation, subsidies), regulation (price, quality, environmental), and public provision of roads or road services. The analysis of the literature regarding government instruments allows us to establish a correspondence between different forms of market failure and instruments. Several case studies of particular road infrastructure projects are included to illustrate the use of government instruments.


Mark Lijesen
Victoria Shestalova