April 5, 2005

Which factors determine the development of house prices in the Netherlands?

Neerwaartse aanpassing huizenprijzen verloopt traag

Press release
De geringe huizenprijsstijging sinds 2001 hangt vooral samen met de gemiddeld genomen magere ontwikkeling van het beschikbaar inkomen en het gezinsvermogen. Daarnaast waren koopwoningen sinds 2000 vrijwel steeds wat overgewaardeerd. Ook dit drukte de stijging van de huizenprijs in de jaren 2001-2003.

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Next, estimation results are presented of an error correction model for Dutch house prices. The model explains the developments since 1980 fairly well. For about 75%, the relatively high real house price increases in the period 1992-2000 can be attributed to a strong growth in real disposable wage income and financial households' wealth (excluding stocks). Furthermore, the drop in the real interest rate and the small supply of newly built houses had an impact as well.

In the period 2001-2003, real house price increases were much smaller. This was mainly caused by a smaller increase in prosperity. Besides, in recent years owner-occupied dwellings were somewhat overvalued. The correction that followed had a downward effect on house prices as well. However, because of asymmetries, this reaction to the excessive price hike has been limited.

This publication is in Dutch.


Johan Verbruggen
Michiel van Leuvensteijn
Michel Toet

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