November 5, 2009

The cost-benefit analysis of different alternatives for the urban development of the city of Almere combined with investments in rail infrastructure

Nieuwe openbaarvervoerverbinding tussen Amsterdam en Almere niet rendabel

Press release
De aanleg van een nieuwe IJmeerlijn voor openbaar vervoer tussen Amsterdam en Almere in het kader van de Schaalsprong Almere is maatschappelijk niet rendabel. Alle onderzochte varianten van deze nieuwe lijn hebben een negatief saldo van baten en kosten van enkele miljarden euro's.

We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.

In a first step, the CBA compares the social returns on welfare of different alternatives for urban development in Almere in order to facilitate the so-called ‘Schaalsprong’ – the expansion of the city by 60 thousand homes.

In terms of welfare, the westward-oriented development strategy ‘Waterstad’ scores considerably worse than the eastward-oriented strategy ‘Polderstad’ and the central strategy ‘Stad van Water en Groen’. In addition, it is associated with higher financial and legal risks.

All considered public transport projects in the analysis are unprofitable.

Positive synergy effects arise between the urbanisation strategies and specific public transport projects, but they are not very large compared to the costs of investments.

This publication is in Dutch.


K. Geurs
Gerbert Romijn
Gusta Renes