February 1, 2000

Publishers caught in the Web?; strategies, performance and public policy

CPB: Elektronische publicatie Publishers: Caught in the web?

Press release
Raken uitgevers in het Web verstrikt? Ze worden er in ieder geval wel door opgeschrikt. Elektronische mogelijkheden kunnen leiden tot een uitholling van de rol van uitgeverijen, bijvoorbeeld doordat auteurs of musici hun producten zelf uitgeven.

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This study analyses the role of publishers in the digital age. The analysis runs as follows: identify characteristics of the market, confront that with the trend towards electronic publishing, see how that changes the strategies and role of publishers, assess market perfomance and identify the role of the government is such an environment. The study consists of a general framework, three case studies (on consumer magazines, scientific journals and copyrights) and a concluding part. The general framework first introduces a method of assessing market performance. Then business strategies follow from the specific characteristics of information goods.