December 17, 2007

Sharp increase in the number of young people entering Wajong: causes and policy options.

De Wajong: een herhaling van het WAO-drama?

Press release
De recente sterke stijging van de instroom in de Wet Arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening Jonggehandicapten (Wajong) is verontrustend. Er zijn echter volop mogelijkheden om via nieuw beleid de arbeidsparticipatie van jonggehandicapten te bevorderen en de instroom in de Wajong te beperken.

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This study contains a description of the recent developments and the possible causes. Subsequently, some policy options are considered. Main conclusion is that promising policy options are available to lower the inflow in the Wajong and to increase the labour-market participation of young disabled.

This publication is in Dutch.


Frans Suijker

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