
26 Sep 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Consumption during unemployment: a Synthetic Event Study Approach using Bank Transaction Data

On Thursday September 26th, 2024, Jeannine van Reeken (VU Amsterdam/ABN Amro) will give a presentation titled: "Consumption during unemployment: a Synthetic Event Study Approach using Bank Transaction Data....

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01 Oct 2024 Time: 12:30
Policy seminar

Hybrideseminar: Nederland in een fragmenterende wereldorde

Dinsdag 1 oktober 2024 geven Haroon Sheikh en Ruth Mampuys (WRR) een presentatie getiteld: "Nederland in een fragmenterende wereldorde." Indien u wilt deelnemen stuurt u een e-mail naar Simone Pailer...

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14 Oct 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Downward Price Rigidities and Inflationary Relative Demand Shocks

On Monday October 14th, 2024, Bart Hobijn (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago) will give a presentation titled: "Downward Price Rigidities and Inflationary Relative Demand Shocks." To attend this seminar, please send an...

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15 Oct 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Politically Motivated Trade Protection (joint with Chad P. Bown, Paola Conconi, and Lorenzo Trimarchi)

On Tuesday October 15th, 2024, Aksel Erbahar (EUR) will give a presentation titled: "Politically Motivated Trade Protection (joint with Chad P. Bown, Paola Conconi, and Lorenzo Trimarchi)....

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17 Oct 2024 Time: 15:00

CPB lecture 2024: Health Insurance, Out-of-Pocket Payments, Health Expenditures, and Health Outcomes: Policy Lessons from Experiments

In the coming years, many countries will be confronted with rising health expenditures. To limit the growth of public health expenditures, countries often implement measures such as co-payments or limitations on public...

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31 Oct 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Persistent Effects of Social Program Participation on the Third Generation

On Thursday October 31st, 2024, Anne Gielen (EUR) will give a presentation titled: "Persistent Effects of Social Program Participation on the Third Generation." To attend this seminar, please send an e-mail to Simone...

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27 Nov 2024 Time: 09:00

CPB Open Day

Contributing to better policies for everyone in the Netherlands, conducting scientific research If that appeals to you, CPB is the place to be. Come to our Open Day in The Hague on Wednesday, 6 December for information on internships, jobs and/or PhD research.

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Previous events

25 Sep 2024 Time: 12:00

Release date next World Trade Monitor

On August 23, the CPB World Trade Monitor of reporting month June 2024 was published. The next World Trade Monitor will be published on Wednesday 25 September 2024, with reporting month July...

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20 Sep 2024 Time: 11:00

Webinar Macro-Economische Verkenning 2025

Op Prinsjesdag publiceert het Centraal Planbureau de Macro-Economische Verkenning 2025 (MEV). Voor geïnteresseerden organiseert het CPB de vrijdag daarop- vrijdag 20 september - van 11.00 uur tot 12....

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05 Sep 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Child Penalties and the Gender Gap in Home Production and the Labor Market

On Thursday September 5th, 2024, Pim Koopmans (Leiden University) will give a presentation titled: "Child Penalties and the Gender Gap in Home Production and the Labor Market." To attend this seminar, please send an...

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