
23 Aug 2024 Time: 12:00

Release date next World Trade Monitor

Op 25 juli 2024 is de CPB Wereldhandelsmonitor van verdlagmaand mei 2024 gepubliceerd. De volgende CPB Wereldhandelsmonitor verschijnt op vrijdag 23 augustus 2024 om 12.00...

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05 Sep 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Child Penalties and the Gender Gap in Home Production and the Labor Market

On Thursday September 5th, 2024, Pim Koopmans (Leiden University) will give a presentation titled: "Child Penalties and the Gender Gap in Home Production and the Labor Market." To attend this seminar, please send an...

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15 Oct 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Politically Motivated Trade Protection (joint with Chad P. Bown, Paola Conconi, and Lorenzo Trimarchi)

On Tuesday October 15th, 2024, Aksel Erbahar (EUR) will give a presentation titled: "Politically Motivated Trade Protection (joint with Chad P. Bown, Paola Conconi, and Lorenzo Trimarchi)....

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Previous events

25 Jul 2024 Time: 12:00

Release date next World Trade Monitor

The release of the next monthly CPB World Trade Monitor is scheduled for Thursday 25 July 2024, 12:00...

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25 Jun 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Keeping up with the Computers: How Vocational Training Responds to New Technology

On Tuesday June 25th, 2024, Ulrich Zierahn-Weilage (Utrecht University) will give a presentation titled: "Keeping up with the Computers: How Vocational Training Responds to New Technology....

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25 Jun 2024 Time: 12:00

Release date next World Trade Monitor

The release of the next monthly CPB World Trade Monitor is scheduled for Tuesday 25 June 2024, 12:00...

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17 Jun 2024 Time: 13:00

Symposium: De huursector en huurbeleid in Nederland

Maandag 17 juni 2024 organiseert het CPB een symposium over de huursector en huurbeleid in Nederland. Indien u wilt deelnemen stuurt u een e-mail naar Karin Nederlof (

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13 Jun 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: Modelling the Energy Transition in Electricity Markets

On Thursday June 13th, 2024, Machiel Mulder and Arjen Veenstra (RUG) will give a presentation titled: "Modelling the Energy Transition in Electricity Markets." To attend this seminar, please send an e-mail to Simone...

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04 Jun 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: The Social Multiplier of Pension Reform

On Tuesday June 4th, 2024, Simon Rabaté (Institut National d’Études Démographiques (INED) & CPB) will give a presentation titled: "The Social Multiplier of Pension Reform." To attend this seminar, please send an...

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30 May 2024 Time: 13:00

Hybrid seminar: The Effects of Application Processing Times and Prepayments on Welfare Receipt and Employment

On Thursday May 30th, 2024, Heike Vethaak (Universiteit Leiden) will give a presentation titled: "The Effects of Application Processing Times and Prepayments on Welfare Receipt and Employment....

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