
Competition Workshop: 'Competition and education'

On October 15th, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis and TILEC (Tilburg University) organise a Competition Workshop on “Competition and education”.

October 15, 2014
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, Vergaderzaal 42 “Zijlstrazaal”, The Hague

Date/Time:  October 15, 2014 (Wednesday), 13.30-17.00
Location: Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, Vergaderzaal 42 “Zijlstrazaal”, The Hague

The quality of education is a crucial determinant for the strength of the Dutch economy in the long run. Although primary and secondary education is predominantly financed by the government, this does not mean that schools cannot or do not compete, or that parents are indifferent between schools. Indeed, parents search actively to find a school that is a good match with their child and that provides high quality education. Consumer choice implies competition between schools. This workshop addresses the question: How can stakeholders, market design and regulation improve the functioning of this complex market with heterogeneous pupils and schools?

We cordially invite you to participate in the workshop. If you would like to attend, please send an e-mail with your name and affiliation to Ali Aouragh ( Please, do not hesitate to forward this invitation to your colleagues. Please note that this workshop takes place in the main building of the Ministry of Economic Affairs at Bezuidenhoutseweg 73 in The Hague. You need to be able to show your ID in order to enter the building.

Best wishes,

Eric van Damme
CentER and TILEC, Tilburg University

Frederik van Doorn
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Competition and Consumer Policy Department

Ali Aouragh, Bas Straathof
CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, Dept. Competition and Regulation
