
Health Policy Workshop: 'Physician Incentives'

Wednesday March 14th, NZa, CPB and TILEC will organize a Health Policy Workshop "Physician Incentives".

March 14, 2012
NOTE! Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Parnassusplein 5, The Hague

Time: NOTE! 12.30-17.30 hours
Location: NOTE! Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Parnassusplein 5, Apollozaal, The Hague. Directions.

Speakers: Prof. Ariel Pakes, Harvard University, Department of Economics, USA, Prof. Hugh Gravelle, University of York, Centre for Health Economics, UK and Drs. Johan van Manen, Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), The Netherlands

Language: English

Registration required (also for CPB employees): until March 9 via the registration form.

Workshop information: The Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), The Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) and The Tilburg Law and Economic Center of Tilburg University (TILEC) jointly organize a series of Health Policy Workshops. These workshops cover relevant and highly debated topics in health care, and provide a platform for knowledge exchange and discussion between policy makers and researchers working in this field.

Increasing costs in the health care sector impose a financial burden on national agendas. Therefore governments try to induce physicians to reduce costs. Also health insurers are looking for ways to reduce their costs. One possibility is to allow physicians to share in cost savings (using capitation payments instead of fee for service). Or by explicitly setting budgets for providers. Do such financial incentives work at all? And if they work, are lower costs achieved by providing lower quality? Is it possible to give physicians incentives to adjust quality to an optimal level; or is there not enough information to achieve this? With the growing costs of health care, the need for physician financial incentives becomes more recognized and the question of their design gains importance.

This Health Policy Workshop will present different views and international experiences on physician incentives.

CPB organises seminars for researchers. During these seminars, always held on Tuesday from 1.00 pm. to 2.00 pm., academic papers are presented and discussed. Read here how to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to our alert service (CPB Event).

Policy seminars
CPB also organises Policy seminars for policy makers, researchers and other stakeholders. These Policy seminars focus on policy implications. Policy seminars are held on Thursday from 1.00 pm. to 2.00 pm. Read here how to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to our alert service (CPB Event).
