
17 Oct 2024 Time: 15:00

CPB lecture 2024: Health Insurance, Out-of-Pocket Payments, Health Expenditures, and Health Outcomes: Policy Lessons from Experiments

In the coming years, many countries will be confronted with rising health expenditures. To limit the growth of public health expenditures, countries often implement measures such as co-payments or limitations on public...

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Previous events

16 Nov 2023 Time: 15:00

CPB Lecture 2023 "Redesigning EU fiscal rules: how to account for climate action?"

The discussion about European fiscal rules has heated up again. It is clear that the current rules system is no longer adequate. But what is the alternative? And how can we ensure that within the alternative system...

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16 Jun 2022 Time: 15:00

CPB Lecture 2022 "The economist as a plumber? Hidden normativity in economic policy advice" (hybrid)

‘The economist as a plumber? Hidden normativity in economic policy advice’. This is the theme of the annual CPB Lecture on June 16 in the Glazen Zaal in The Hague. This year our guest is Diane Coyle, professor at...

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23 Sep 2021 Time: 15:00

CPB Lecture 2021 "The Future of Work"

Which jobs have disappeared and which job have emerged, and how will this continue into the future? Who are the winners and who are the losers? And what are the policy challenges? These questions played a key role in the CPB Lecture 2021 of David Autor (MIT). On this page you can watch the presentations and download the slides.

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22 Apr 2021 Time: 15:45

CPB Lecture: Machine learning voor economisch onderzoek en beleid (online)

Op donderdag 22 april 2021 geeft Guido Imbens (Stanford University) de jaarlijkse CPB Lecture. Zijn lezing zal gaan over causaal onderzoek met big...

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22 Apr 2021 Time: 09:15

CPB Symposium: Data science applications in economics (online)

On Thursday April 22, 2021, the CPB hosts an online mini-symposium on “Data science applications in...

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04 Nov 2019 Time: 12:30

Bijeenkomst “De doorrekening van verkiezingsprogramma’s internationaal vergeleken”

Maandag 4 november organiseren het Centraal Planbureau en de Raad van State een bijeenkomst over dit onderwerp.

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07 Jun 2019 Time: 09:00

16TH EUROFRAME Conference on economic policy issues in the EU 'Greater cohesion in an increasingly fractured world: Where now for the European project?'

The EUROFRAME group of research institutes (CASE, CPB, DIW, ESRI, ETLA, IfW, NIESR, OFCE, PROMETEIA, WIFO) will hold its sixteenth annual Conference on Economic Policy Issues in the European Union in Dublin on 7 June 2019. The aim of this conference is to bring together academics, and policy-oriented economists by providing a forum for debate on economic policy issues relevant in the European context.

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24 Jan 2019 Time: 14:30

CPB symposium: The End of Tax Havens?

On Thursday January 24th 2019, CPB organizes the symposium "The End of Tax Havens?". Recent initiatives of the OECD and the EU have announced a clamp-down on aggressive tax planning by multinationals....

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08 Jun 2018 Time: 09:00

EUROFRAME conference 'Economic policies and political economy after the crisis in the EU'

The EUROFRAME group of research institutes (CASE, CPB, DIW, ESRI, ETLA, IfW, NIESR, OFCE, PROMETEIA, WIFO) will hold its fifteenth annual Conference on Economic Policy Issues in the European Union in Milan on Friday 8...

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