
Competition Workshop: Competition and Agriculture - a special case?

On May 17 the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, the CPB (Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis) and TILEC (Tilburg Law and Economic CentER of Tilburg University) jointly organise a Competition Workshop on “Competition and Agriculture - a special case?”.

May 17, 2011
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation , Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, room 32, The Hague

The Dutch national government has recently merged the Ministry of Economic Affairs with the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Safety. As a result, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation was created, that has internalised the potential area of tension between fair competition in the agricultural sector on the one hand and the responsible and sustainable supply of food on the other hand. In this Competition Workshop we bring together the economic and legal discussion on the subject, thereby focusing on two specific dimensions of competition in the agricultural sector. First, we will discuss to what extent a competitive market prevents the environmentally sustainable production of agricultural goods. Second, we will pay attention to the competitive challenges in the food chain, like the asymmetry in purchasing power between concentrated retail shops versus decentralised farmers. 

We cordially invite you to participate in the workshop. If you would like to attend the workshop, please, send an e-mail with your name and affiliation to Ali Aouragh ( 

Please note that this workshop takes place in the main building of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. You must have a valid ID to enter the building.
Please, do not hesitate to forward this invitation to your colleagues.

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Best wishes,
Ali Aouragh              (CPB, Unit Markets and Regulation)
Eric van Damme        (CentER and TILEC, Tilburg University)
Jurian Muller             (Ministry of EL&I, Department for Competition and Consumers)
Karen van der Wiel    (CPB, Unit Markets and Regulation)
