Conference 'Flexibility of the Labour Market'
On 20 en 21 January 2011, the CPB and ROA organise a conference on ‘Flexibility of the Labour Market’. Nine international speakers present studies on their own countries, or compare different countries.
The studies deal with permanent contracts, temporary contracts, social security en wages. The Friday afternoon is devoted to policy en the lessons the Netherlands can learn from other countries. Frank Cörvers (ROA) en Rob Euwals (CPB) present a joint CPB-ROA study on the flexibility of the Dutch labour market. The afternoon ends with a panel discussion between scientists and representatives of the Dutch unions and employer organisations.
The official language of the conference will be English. The international speakers are Prof. Richard Freeman (Harvard University and London School of Economics), Prof. Tito Boeri (Bocconi University, Milan), Prof. Francis Kramarz (CREST, Paris), Prof. John Martin (OECD, Paris), Prof. Pedro Portugal (Central Bank of Portugal), Prof. Samuel Bentolila (CEMFI Madrid) , Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger (University of Freiburg), Prof. Torben Andersen (Aarhus University) and Prof. Peter Fredriksson (Stockholm University).
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Program conference Flexibility of the Labour Market
Thursday January 20, 2011
9:00 − 9:30 Registration
Chair morning session: Bas ter Weel (
9:30-9:45 Alexander Rinnooy Kan (President of the Social and
Economic Council of the Netherlands)
9:45-10:30 Torben Andersen (University of Aarhus)
Flexicurity: Labour Market Performance in Denmark
Discussant: Coen Teulings (
10:30-11:15 Peter Fredriksson (Stockholm University)
What Active Labour Market Policy Works in a Recession?
Discussant: Bas van der Klaauw (Free University of
11:15-11:45 Break
11:45-12:30 Bernd Fitzenberger (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg)
Polarization and Rising Wage Inequality: Comparing the
U.S. and Germany
Discussant: Joan Muysken (Maastricht University)
12:30-13:45 Lunch
Chair afternoon session: Andries de Grip (ROA and Maastricht
13:45-14:30 Francis Kramarz (CREST-INSEE Paris)
Labour Disputes and Labour Flows
Discussant: Joop Hartog (University of Amsterdam)
14:30-15:00 Break
15:00-15:45 Pedro Portugal (Central Bank of Portugal,
of Lisbon)
The Hidden Side of Temporary Employment: Fixed-term
Contracts as a Screening Device
Discussant: Jan van Ours (Tilburg University)
15:45-16:30 Tito Boeri (Bocconi University Milan)
Flexibility, Dualism and the Great Recession
Discussant: Stefano Scarpetta (OECD)
16:30-17:30 Drinks
18:30-21:30 Dinner for speakers, discussants and invited guests
Friday January 21, 2011
9:00-9:30 Registration
Chair morning session: Casper van Ewijk (
9:30-10:15 Samuel Bentolila (CEMFI Madrid)
Two-tier Labour Markets in the Great Recession: France
vs. Spain
Discussant: Tjerk Kroes (Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs)
10:15-11:00 John Martin (OECD)
Setting it Right: Employment Protection, Labour
Reallocation, Productivity
Discussant: Bertholt Leeftink (Dutch Ministry of
Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation)
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-12:15 Richard Freeman (Harvard University and London School
of Economics)
When Does the Competitive Market Produce “good”
Discussant: Rocus van Opstal (Dutch Ministry of
12:15-13:30 Lunch
Chair afternoon session: Harry Garretsen (University of Groningen)
13:30-14:20 Frank Cörvers (ROA) and Rob Euwals (
Labour Market Flexibility in the Netherlands
14:20-14:40 Discussant: Maarten Camps (Director-General for
Employment of Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs)
14:40-15:00 Discussant: Heleen Mees (Dutch economist, lawyer and
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:30 Panel discussion
Eric Bartelsman (Free University of Amsterdam)
Richard Freeman (Harvard University and London
School of Economics)
Catelene Passchier (FNV, Dutch union)
Loes van Embden Andres (
16:30-17:30 Drinks