CPB presents the Macro Economic Outlook 2012 (MEV 2012)
CPB presents the Macro Economic Outlook 2012 (MEV 2012), to be published jointly with the Annual Budget at the Opening of the Parliamentary Year, 2011, September 20.
September 16, 2011
CPB, website
2011, Friday 16 september 14.00 p.m. CPB will publish the MEV 2012 on its website.
In this publication, CPB presents its analyses and projections of both the Dutch and worldwide economy, for 2011 and 2012.
See also
Hybrid seminar: The Inequality of Labor and Health Risks: A Probability-Impact PerspectiveCPB-symposium 'Kiezen voor later'Hybrid seminar: Is physician cost-sharing an alternative to patient cost-sharing?Hybrid seminar: Return to sender: Unraveling the role of structural and social network ties in patient sharing networksHybrid seminar: University as a Melting Pot: Long-term Effects of International Peers
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