
GHG Mitigation through Air Pollution Policies

Monday November 26th, Johannes Bollen (CPB) will present "GHG Mitigation through Air Pollution Policies".

November 26, 2012
CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague


Time: Monday November 26th, 13.00-14.00 hours
Location: CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague

Presentation: Johannes Bollen (CPB)

Discussant: Reyer Gerlagh (UvT)

Language: English

Registration:  Please register by sending an email to

Abstract subject: Air pollution used to be an acidification issue in the seventies and the eighties, whereas more recently the concern is shifted to public health and the chronic outdoor exposure to fine particulate matter. Like with climate change, the combustion of fossil energy is one of the main reasons. This means that the global public good of climate change - mainly affected in the long run - may get a medium term counterpart with regional or even local character. Indeed, this paper shows that for the next twenty years stringent air pollution policies can be a substitute for climate policies. We study the interplay between regional air pollution, global climate change, and heterogeneous economies with an extended version of the global intertemporal integrated assessment model of climate change (MERGE), that also includes the main chemical interactions between the two externalities. Although, we realize that we highly stylize air pollution and abatement in our model, we can argue that one-sided suboptimal air pollution policies can already account for 75% of the long term global temperature improvement of one-sided suboptimal climate policies.

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