
Previous events

29 Nov 2016

Seminar: Subsidies, Substitution and Spillovers of Formal Child Care

Tuesday November 29th, Hans Kippersluis (EUR) will present "Subsidies, Substitution and Spillovers of Formal Child...

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02 Nov 2016

Seminar "How Substitutable Are Workers? Evidence from Worker Deaths"

Wednesday November 2, Simon Jäger (Harvard University) will present "How Substitutable Are Workers? Evidence from Worker...

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18 Oct 2016

Seminar " History dependence in the housing market: facts and explanations"

Tuesday October 18th, Phillipe Bracke (Bank of England) will present "History dependence in the housing market: facts and...

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11 Oct 2016

Seminar "A lost generation? The wage, employment and demographic effects of graduating during a recession"

Tuesday October 11th, Wiljan van den Berge (CPB) will present "A lost generation? The wage, employment and demographic effects of graduating during a...

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