
Previous events

13 Dec 2016

Publicatie Decemberraming CPB

De eerstvolgende raming van het CPB zal op dinsdag 13 december 2016 om 07.00 uur worden...

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08 Dec 2016
Policy seminar

Policy Seminar: The optimal mix of the first and second pension pillar

Thursday December 8th, Thomas Michielsen (CPB) will present "The optimal mix of the first and second pension...

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08 Dec 2016

9th Health Policy Workshop: Regional variation in health care: What can we learn from it?

In health care many regional differences in utilization and prices exist. A patient with back pain may get treated in hospital A but not in hospital B. Dutch research shows that hospital specialists treat back hernia in...

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06 Dec 2016

Seminar: Intergenerational Spillovers in Disability Insurance

Tuesday December 6th, Anne Gielen (EUR) will present "Intergenerational Spillovers in Disability...

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30 Nov 2016

Open Day CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis

Are you exploring the labour market and wonder whether CPB could be the workplace for you? Come to our Open Day! When: Wednesday 30 November 2016. ...

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29 Nov 2016

Seminar: Subsidies, Substitution and Spillovers of Formal Child Care

Tuesday November 29th, Hans Kippersluis (EUR) will present "Subsidies, Substitution and Spillovers of Formal Child...

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18 Nov 2016

Congres ''Flexibele arbeid in Europa"

Het Centraal Planbureau nodigt u uit om op 18 november 2016 het congres ''Flexibele arbeid in Europa'', over de flexibele schil van de arbeidsmarkt, bij te...

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04 Nov 2016

Netherlands Economists Day 2016

On Friday the 4th of November 2016 the Netherlands Economists Day (NED) will be organized at the Dutch Central Bank in Amsterdam. This day provides all Dutch economists – those who live and work in the Netherlands –...

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02 Nov 2016

Seminar "How Substitutable Are Workers? Evidence from Worker Deaths"

Wednesday November 2, Simon Jäger (Harvard University) will present "How Substitutable Are Workers? Evidence from Worker...

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18 Oct 2016

Seminar " History dependence in the housing market: facts and explanations"

Tuesday October 18th, Phillipe Bracke (Bank of England) will present "History dependence in the housing market: facts and...

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