Complaint scientific integrity

Submit a complaint about an alleged violation of scientific integrity to CPB research. CPB is a member of The Netherlands Board on Research Integrity (LOWI) and adheres to the scientific integrity code of conduct. This also means that a complaint can be submitted to CPB research in the event of alleged violations of scientific integrity. You can do this via the form at the bottom of this page.

Complaints about the scientific integrity of the CPB will only be handled if:

  • the complaint concerns an alleged violation of scientific integrity by CPB;
  • the complaint sufficiently substantiates why the complainant considers that CPB has violated scientific integrity.

The criteria for admissibility of a complaint and the procedure for handling it are set out in the Complaints Procedure for Scientific Integrity (in Dutch). Here you can read more about what CPB understands by violations of scientific integrity.

After receipt of the complaint, it is first assessed on the above criteria. If this is met, the complaint will be handled by the Scientific Integrity Committee (CWI) (in Dutch). The Scientific Integrity Committee then advises on the merits of the complaint. The final judgment of the board of CPB, together with the report of findings and the advice of the Committee, will be published in anonymised form on the website of the Universities of The Netherlands office (VSNU) after the procedure has been completed.

An anonymous complaint will only be handled if the management of CPB sees reason to do so. Two criteria are leading in this assessment: there are important public interests, important interests of CPB, or of those involved; and the fact-finding can take place without input from the complainant.

More information about the procedure, deadlines and the publication of opinions can be found in CPB's Scientific Integrity Complaints Procedure (in Dutch).

We handle your complaint within 2 weeks. Your name and mail address will only be used to reply to your message (see our privacy-statement).


What is the complaint about? Mention the relevant research, data collection(s) and/or actor(s), if relevant.
What is the basis for the complaint? Describe here how scientific integrity has been violated. What we mean by scientific integrity is described in the Dutch code of conduct for scientific integrity.
If desired: upload a PDF-file (16 MB maximum)

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