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November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

November 27, 2014

Presentation: Simulating Income Tax Reforms in the Netherlands with MICSIM

This presentation was used by Egbert Jongen during a seminar about 'MICSIM', 27 November 2014, in The Hague.

October 29, 2014

Discussiebijdrage t.b.v. ‘IBO Zelfstandigen zonder personeel’

Interdepartementaal beleidsonderzoek (IBO) naar zzp’ers

No title
October 17, 2014

The effectiveness of fiscal stimuli for working parents

We study the relative effectiveness of fiscal stimuli for working parents in an empirical model of household labour supply and childcare use.

No title
October 17, 2014

The effectiveness of fiscal stimuli for working parents

We study the relative effectiveness of fiscal stimuli for working parents in an empirical model of household labour supply and childcare use.

No title
September 29, 2014

Labour market effects of job displacement for prime-age and older workers

This paper studies the effect of firm closures for prime-age and older workers.

No title