
Competition Workshop "Big data, platforms and privacy"

On October 4th, 1.30-5.30 PM CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, Tilburg Law and Economics Center (Tilburg University), The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), Amsterdam Center for Law and Economics (ACLE) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, organize a Competition Workshop on: “Big data, platforms and privacy”.

October 4, 2016
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, 2594 AC Den Haag, zaal ‘Foyer’

Information plays an increasingly central role in our economy. Through mobile telephony, internet platforms, or payment systems, firms gather larger amounts of data (‘big data’) on consumer behavior and characteristics. Privacy law plays an important role in these markets. How does privacy law influence the possibilities of platforms to compete and/or to develop new products and services?

Speakers: Sander Klous (UvA, KPMG), Bas Straathof (CPB)

Discussants: Jan Tichem (ACM), Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius (UvA)

Program, information, subscribe: Competition Workshop