
Workshop 'Returns to education: research and policy'

CPB and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) organize the workshop ‘Returns to education: research and policy’. It will take place on Thursday 17th of December from 13:00 to 18:00 at the Ministry of Economic Affairs: Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, The Hague. Registration and lunch will take place from 12:00 to 13:00.

December 17, 2015
Economische Zaken: Bezuidenhoutseweg 73, Den Haag

The keynote speaker is Magne Mogstad from the University of Chicago. Other presenters are Lex Borghans (Maastricht University), Joop Hartog (University of Amsterdam) and Karen van der Wiel (CPB).

Emre Akgündüz (
Suzanne Heijnen (