Search results

There are 12 search results for *.
June 14, 2011

The impact of reforms on labour market exit probabilities

This study investigates the impact of the reforms on labour market exit probabilities

No title
June 14, 2011

The impact of reforms on labour market exit probabilities

This study investigates the impact of the reforms on labour market exit probabilities

No title
September 23, 2008

Individual saving accounts for unemployment; miracle or mythe?

Individual savings accounts are a recurring reform option for unemployment insurance.

September 23, 2008

Individual saving accounts for unemployment; miracle or mythe?

Individual savings accounts are a recurring reform option for unemployment insurance.

June 14, 2006

New social assistance act: the first results.

In 2004, a new social assistance act was introduced for welfare benefits (in Dutch: Wet Werk en Bijstand; WWB).

June 14, 2006

New social assistance act: the first results.

In 2004, a new social assistance act was introduced for welfare benefits (in Dutch: Wet Werk en Bijstand; WWB).

April 26, 2005

Publieke of private uitvoering van arbeidsongeschiktheidsregelingen; casestudie verzekering van beroepsrisico's in de VS

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 25, 2005

Financial incentives in disability insurance in the Netherlands

In this paper, we assess the impact of financial incentives on the inflow in the public Disability Insurance (DI) scheme in the Netherlands.

April 25, 2005

Financial incentives in disability insurance in the Netherlands

In this paper, we assess the impact of financial incentives on the inflow in the public Disability Insurance (DI) scheme in the Netherlands.