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May 29, 2018

Capital position of banks in the EMU: an analysis of Banking Union scenarios

This CPB Background Document provides details of the simulations of shocks to the capital position of banks in the EMU that underpins the Financial Risk Report 2018 of the CPB. This involves investigating the potential impact of two legacy problems on the capital position of banks. These problems are the high amount of government debt, especially in Italy, and the high level of non-performing loans on banks’ balance sheets.

May 15, 2018

Presentatie 'Verdeling van de koek'

Deze presentatie is gebruikt door Albert van der Horst op 15 mei 2018 tijdens de Ronde Tafelbijeenkomst over de AIQ in de Tweede Kamer in Den Haag.

May 15, 2018

Presentatie 'Verdeling van de koek'

Deze presentatie is gebruikt door Albert van der Horst op 15 mei 2018 tijdens de Ronde Tafelbijeenkomst over de AIQ in de Tweede Kamer in Den Haag.

March 29, 2018

Does managed competition constrain hospitals’ contract prices? Evidence from the Netherlands

In the Dutch health care system health insurers negotiate with hospitals about the pricing of hospital products in a managed competition framework. In this paper, we study these contract prices that became for the first time publicly available in 2016. The data show substantive price variation between hospitals for the same products, and within a hospital for the same product across insurers.

March 29, 2018

Does managed competition constrain hospitals’ contract prices? Evidence from the Netherlands

In the Dutch health care system health insurers negotiate with hospitals about the pricing of hospital products in a managed competition framework. In this paper, we study these contract prices that became for the first time publicly available in 2016. The data show substantive price variation between hospitals for the same products, and within a hospital for the same product across insurers.

March 29, 2018

Does managed competition constrain hospitals’ contract prices? Evidence from the Netherlands

In the Dutch health care system health insurers negotiate with hospitals about the pricing of hospital products in a managed competition framework. In this paper, we study these contract prices that became for the first time publicly available in 2016. The data show substantive price variation between hospitals for the same products, and within a hospital for the same product across insurers.

March 22, 2018

Forecast March 2018 (CEP 2018)

The Dutch economy is gathering steam. The economic boom is the result of a favourable international economy, low interest rates, expansive budgetary policy and a persistently strong housing market. These last two factors distinguish the Netherlands from other countries.

No title
March 22, 2018

Forecast March 2018 (CEP 2018)

The Dutch economy is gathering steam. The economic boom is the result of a favourable international economy, low interest rates, expansive budgetary policy and a persistently strong housing market. These last two factors distinguish the Netherlands from other countries.

No title
March 22, 2018

Forecast March 2018 (CEP 2018)

The Dutch economy is gathering steam. The economic boom is the result of a favourable international economy, low interest rates, expansive budgetary policy and a persistently strong housing market. These last two factors distinguish the Netherlands from other countries.

No title
March 22, 2018

Verkenning inkomenseffecten van energie- en klimaatbeleid

Dit achtergronddocument biedt informatie over een relevant deelaspect voor de onderhandelingen over een nationaal klimaatakkoord: de mogelijke inkomenseffecten.