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There are 10 search results.
February 13, 2024

The importance of Dutch service activities in global value chains of manufactured goods

The role of the Dutch economy in global value chains for manufactured goods.

April 26, 2023

Fiets zonder schroefjes: het ontrafelen van internationale waardeketens

Een fiets is een product van een internationaal netwerk, een waardeketen. Het CPB heeft recent nieuwe instrumenten ontwikkeld om de effecten van handelsbeleid op zo'n internationale waardeketens te simuleren. Onderzoeker Daan Freeman schrijft erover.

No title
April 26, 2023

Netherlands benefits from international policy on tariff costs in value chains

Firms face various trade costs that affect their international competitiveness. These include not only direct tariffs on imports and exports but also less obvious indirect tariffs imposed at different points in the...

April 26, 2023

New Tools for Value Chain Analysis

We introduce two novel tools to enhance our understanding of international trade. Through the trade cost index, we compute the complete trade costs within a value chain. With the new gravity model that also incorporates...

June 23, 2022

Economic interwovenness with China through trade: two sides of the same coin

This is apparent from a study by CPB and CBS on the economic interwovenness of the Netherlands and the European Union with China. The Netherlands and Europe benefit from trade with China, and vice versa. However, this trade also creates mutual economic dependence.

Trade with China
March 23, 2022

Analysis of international trade sanctions against Russia

Het effect van de huidige handelssancties tegen Rusland voor Nederlandse economie zijn op termijn beperkt. Bij een eventuele stop van de Russische energietoevoer kan Nederland indirect wel flink geraakt worden o.a. via internationale productieketens.

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January 26, 2022

Trade benefits of the EU and the Internal Market

The Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) is structurally 3.1% higher due to the trade benefits of the European Union. This makes the Netherlands one of the countries that will benefit most from the increased trade by the EU.

 trade benefits of the European Union
December 13, 2021

National Productivity Board 2021 annual report

Productivity growth has been declining for several decades; not only in the Netherlands but in many European countries. During the corona pandemic, productivity growth has dropped even more....

October 6, 2020

Nederlandse bedrijven kwetsbaar voor nieuwe coronagolf in buitenland

Nederlandse transportsector en industrie kwetsbaar voor nieuwe coronagolf buitenland.

No title
July 17, 2020

Trade policy analysis with a gravity model

In this CPB Background Document we investigate the use of the standard structural gravity model for trade policy analysis at the CPB. The model is intended for long term analyses of trade policy changes and is based on...