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October 3, 2017

The effect of geographical distance on online transactions: Evidence from the Netherlands

The rise of online trade alters the role of distance between (potential) buyers and sellers. We use data from eBay subsidiary, one of the largest online trading platforms in the Netherlands, to estimate how distance affects the probability of a transaction between small geographical regions.

October 3, 2017

The effect of geographical distance on online transactions: Evidence from the Netherlands

The rise of online trade alters the role of distance between (potential) buyers and sellers. We use data from eBay subsidiary, one of the largest online trading platforms in the Netherlands, to estimate how distance affects the probability of a transaction between small geographical regions.

March 30, 2017

Are good researchers also good teachers? The relationship between research quality and teaching quality

This study aims to analyse the relationship between research quality and teaching quality.

August 10, 2016

Love conquers all but nicotine; spousal peer e ffects on the decision to quit smoking

If two partners smoke, their quit behavior may be related through correlation in unobserved individual characteristics and common external shocks.

August 10, 2016

Love conquers all but nicotine; spousal peer e ffects on the decision to quit smoking

If two partners smoke, their quit behavior may be related through correlation in unobserved individual characteristics and common external shocks.

July 26, 2016

Dependence on External Finance and SME Survival

This CPB Background Document addresses whether, in the aftermath of the financial crisis, default probabilities of firms that depend more on external finance were affected more negatively than default probabilities of less dependent firms.

July 26, 2016

Dependence on External Finance and SME Survival

This CPB Background Document addresses whether, in the aftermath of the financial crisis, default probabilities of firms that depend more on external finance were affected more negatively than default probabilities of less dependent firms.

July 7, 2016

Do national borders slow down knowledge diffusion within new technological fields? The case of big data in Europe

Big data technologies enhance the storage, processing, and analysis of large data sets and can be applied economy-wide. Despite this potential, only one percent of big data patents come from Europe.

July 7, 2016

Do national borders slow down knowledge diffusion within new technological fields? The case of big data in Europe

Big data technologies enhance the storage, processing, and analysis of large data sets and can be applied economy-wide. Despite this potential, only one percent of big data patents come from Europe.