Search results

There are 13 search results for *.
June 29, 2005

The creativity of the market; exploring the role of the government in creative industries

Ignorance about market and government failures recommends restraint in intervention in the artistic and creative industries.

June 29, 2005

The creativity of the market; exploring the role of the government in creative industries

Ignorance about market and government failures recommends restraint in intervention in the artistic and creative industries.

February 12, 2003

Tight oligopolies: in search of proportionate remedies

If oligopolies become tight ...

December 3, 2001

Competition and stability in banking

Fiercer competition among banks raises welfare without unwarranted risks for stability.

June 26, 2001

Future policy in telecommunications: an analytical framework

What policy trade-offs ensue from exogenous developments in telecom?

June 27, 2000

Solidariteit, keuzevrijheid en transparantie; de toekomst van de Nederlandse markt voor oudedagsvoorzieningen

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.