Search results

There are 23 search results for *.
November 22, 2012

Identifying hubs and spokes in global supply chains using redirected trade in value added

The increasing importance of global supply chains has prompted the use of analytical tools based on trade in value added – instead of traditional measures in gross value.

No title
November 22, 2012

Identifying hubs and spokes in global supply chains using redirected trade in value added

The increasing importance of global supply chains has prompted the use of analytical tools based on trade in value added – instead of traditional measures in gross value.

No title
November 21, 2012

Presentation 'The European Semester: Road to Prosperity or Imperial Overstretch?'

Presentation used by Coen Teulings during the congress "House of Europe" , 2012, November 21, in The Hague.

November 21, 2012

Presentation 'The European Semester: Road to Prosperity or Imperial Overstretch?'

Presentation used by Coen Teulings during the congress "House of Europe" , 2012, November 21, in The Hague.

November 16, 2012

The value of a well-designed EU Patent

After decades of negotiations, a single patent for the European Union (EU) is at last within reach.

November 16, 2012

The value of a well-designed EU Patent

After decades of negotiations, a single patent for the European Union (EU) is at last within reach.

August 23, 2012

Presentatie ' Nadere-analyse van de macro economische situatie in Nederland en Europa'

This presentation is in Dutch, there is no English version.

August 15, 2012

The identification of reporting accuracies from mirror data

This paper discusses the simultaneous estimation of the accuracy of multiple reporters, from all mirror data.

No title
August 15, 2012

The identification of reporting accuracies from mirror data

This paper discusses the simultaneous estimation of the accuracy of multiple reporters, from all mirror data.

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