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March 24, 2017

Fan Charts March 2017

The figures present fan charts around the CEP 2017 point forecasts for GDP growth, HICP inflation, unemployment and general government financial balance.

March 24, 2017

Labour supply and the business cycle: lessons from labour market flows and international forecasting practices

This Background Document shows the results of a survey among international experts concerning the forecasting method of labour supply by economic research institutes and an analysis of the relation between labour supply and the business cycle.

March 24, 2017

Kritische multiplierwaarden voor een negatief schuldeffect van tekortreducerende maatregelen

Tekortreducerende maatregelen door de overheid, bedoeld om de houdbaarheid van de staatsschuld te verbeteren, zullen in eerste instantie de economische groei drukken en vermoedelijk ook de inflatie.

March 24, 2017

Central Economic Plan (CEP) 2017

Global economic growth is expected to accelerate this year and also slightly in the year thereafter; particularly due to growth increases in emerging economies.

No title
March 24, 2017

CPBs short-term forecasts March 2017

The Dutch economy is showing a robust level of growth. CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis calculated a growth of 2.1% for this year and 1.8% for 2018. The Dutch economy is showing a robust level of growth. CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis calculated a growth of 2.1% for this year and 1.8% for 2018.

March 24, 2017

The role of inflation-linked bonds

The market for inflation-linked bonds (ILBs) is growing, but still small when compared to the market for nominal bonds. This paper raises the question why governments do not rely more on ILBs to finance their public debts?

March 24, 2017

Publicatie Centraal Economisch Plan (CEP) 2017

In het Centraal Economisch Plan 2017 presenteert het CPB een actualisatie van de raming voor het jaar 2017, de eerste prognose voor 2018 alsmede een actualisatie van de middellangetermijnverkenning tot en met 2021....

March 24, 2017

Release date next CPB World Trade Monitor

The release of the next monthly CPB World Trade Monitor is scheduled tentatively for 24 March...

March 23, 2017

Policy seminar "De meerwaarde van een Nationale Investeringsbank"

Donderdag 23 maart geven Olivier Labe (BNG) en Jeroen Lammers (VNO-NCW) een presentatie getiteld "De meerwaarde van een Nationale...

March 21, 2017

Seminar "Job Polarization in Advanced and Emerging Countries: Measuring Task Relocation and Technological Change in Global Supply Chains"

Tuesday March 21st, Laurie Reijnders (RUG) will present "Job Polarization in Advanced and Emerging Countries: Measuring Task Relocation and Technological Change in Global Supply...