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August 16, 2017

Actualisatie Middellangetermijnverkenning 2018-2021

Deze CPB Notitie geeft een nadere actualisatie van de Middellangetermijnverkenning 2018-2021. De notitie beschrijft het economische en budgettaire beeld voor de periode 2018-2021 en geeft vervolgens een overzicht van de verschillen ten opzichte van de verkenning uit maart 2017. Belangrijke wijzigingen ten opzichte van de vorige verkenning vormen de hogere groei op korte termijn en het kwaliteitskader verpleeghuiszorg.

August 15, 2017

Prijselasticiteit van het woningaanbod

De aanbodelasticiteit van de Nederlandse woningmarkt empirisch geanalyseerd.

August 15, 2017

Prijselasticiteit van het woningaanbod

De aanbodelasticiteit van de Nederlandse woningmarkt empirisch geanalyseerd.

August 1, 2017

Study of cost-benefit analysis for e-government

The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) has asked CPB to determine the extent to which the methodology of cost-benefit analysis (CBA), or valuable elements thereof, can be applied in a useful and practical way within the e-government domain.

August 1, 2017

Study of cost-benefit analysis for e-government

The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) has asked CPB to determine the extent to which the methodology of cost-benefit analysis (CBA), or valuable elements thereof, can be applied in a useful and practical way within the e-government domain.

July 3, 2017

Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) for the Economy

Society is digitising. The five most valuable companies in the world are ICT companies. The Dutch population makes extensive use of the Internet, and the government is also focusing increasingly on the use of digital means. This digitisation also involves an increase in the economic importance of cyber security.

July 3, 2017

Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) for the Economy

Society is digitising. The five most valuable companies in the world are ICT companies. The Dutch population makes extensive use of the Internet, and the government is also focusing increasingly on the use of digital means. This digitisation also involves an increase in the economic importance of cyber security.

June 23, 2017

Herziening methode arbeidsinkomensquote

Met ingang van de eerstvolgende Macro Economische Verkenning in september 2017 wijzigt het CPB de berekening van de arbeidsinkomensquote (AIQ).

June 23, 2017

Herziening methode arbeidsinkomensquote

Met ingang van de eerstvolgende Macro Economische Verkenning in september 2017 wijzigt het CPB de berekening van de arbeidsinkomensquote (AIQ).

June 21, 2017

The Performance of Publicly Managed Venture Capital Funds

Governments, when designing support for venture capital financing, face a choice to either sponsor existing private VC funds or organize and manage their own public VC funds.